I posted two magazine covers so you could see for yourself. Now I am sure that Cosmo did a few "touch ups" but nothing compared to Vogues. Young women look at these magazine covers and compare their bodies to them. If they don't think they add up to what they see, then that's when the dieting, anorexia, bulimia,plastic surgery, you name it starts! It breaks my heart when I hear about the impact that the media has on young girls, and even older women too. I don't understand why we can not love who we are and how we look. I recently heard on the news that a lot of young girls are taking to youtube to post videos asking "Do you think I'm pretty or ugly?" Of course there are people out there who care nothing for peoples feelings and will say anything. Where are these girls parents? Where have all of the good role models for the young gone to? So I want to challenge all of you reading this to take a stand. Stand up for it not only right, but for what is just! Adele herself said "The first thing to do is be happy with yourself and appreciate your body-- only then should you try to change things about yourself." I was made fun of, and I wanted to look like the women I saw on the cover of magazines, but I realized that's not who I am. I am me, a bigger woman in a small world. I love ME!
In and Out for 2025
2 months ago
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Thank you all for all of your sweet messages! I love reading them, so keep them coming!